A well-designed office is essential for employees as well as clients. The key to a successful home office is to have a place that you can go for short breaks throughout the day away from your desk, such as a sunny corner or a spot near the window. By avoiding the living room, you can relax your brain without being distracted by the television or other household members. It is beneficial to both your mental as well as physical health to have a clearly defined relaxation area, since sitting at your desk all day will result in stress. Adding plants and just the right amount of light to your workspace will help you keep it positively charged. You can also paint the walls your favorite color and add plants.
If you have pets, create a spot where your pet can see you working and be able to hug you whenever they want. It is not enough to choose stylish and versatile office accessories to decorate your home office. You must also select efficient organization tools. An organized filing system, tidy charging cables, and a calendar will help you get more done and minimize your stress. Style and function go hand-in-hand with storage containers, pencil holders, and storage bins so you can easily arrange your supplies and coordinate colors and patterns with the rest of your office. Let your personality shine through your workspace.
As a home office user, you will likely spend many hours there, so don’t cut corners on space (e.g. shove your desktop into a windowless closet to preserve your rarely used guest bedroom). Be sure to consider traffic flow and distractions as well. You should not let your home office furniture scream “soulless cubicle” instead of complementing other rooms. The furniture should be made from warm wood and soft, comfy chairs or a loveseat if you have the space. Modern metal furniture or artistic pieces can be included in a contemporary home office. Traditional pieces are combined with contemporary pieces and bright colors to create an office environment with a twist. Computers, printers, and phones can’t be embellished much but they can be hidden with cord covers. If you need to unplug your equipment, ensure that it is close to outlets and accessible. Put fabric cord covers on the desk and feed the cords into desk grommets – a cap made of plastic or metal that guides the cords through holes on the desk and hides them underneath. Cord organizers, tubing, or wire organizers that hold the cords up off the floor will help you tame the cord jungle on the floor.
It is worth every penny to sit in an ergonomically correct, supportive, stylish office chair for hours every day. The color you choose for your workspace should get your productivity motor going. Forget “office beige.” You might want to place the computer desk where you can look at something more interesting (even though you might love the wall color) while you are working. If you don’t have access to natural light, hang a pretty picture above your desk or arrange your chair so that it faces the door. Wall art can be anything from your children’s framed art to an old painting. Hang inspiring prints on the walls. At the same time, it is crucial to use space efficiently since many home offices have limited square footage. Keep important files within easy reach with vertical file folders on the desk. Hang floating shelves on the walls to keep papers and office equipment off your desk.
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